How Many Cory Catfish Can You Keep In A 29 Gallon Tank?

Aquarium enthusiasts can find it challenging to decide on the ideal number of fish for their tanks. With so many species to choose from, it’s paramount to ensure the health and happiness of your underwater friends. In this article, we’re focusing on Cory Catfish and the ideal number to keep in a 29-gallon tank. Along the way, we’ll provide tips for creating a comfortable environment, delve into their unique features, and answer the most common questions about these fascinating creatures.

When it comes to Cory Catfish, you’ll want to aim for six to eight fish in your 29-gallon tank. This allows enough room for them to swim, feed, and interact, without overstocking the tank. Now that we’ve got that settled, stick around for more useful information about these armored-bottom-dwellers and how to set up a perfect habitat for them.

The Wonderful World of Cory Catfish

A Quick Peek at Cory Catfish Features

Cory Catfish, or Corydoras, belong to a genus of over 200 species. They originate from South America and are popular for their trapezoidal bodies, charming whiskers (barbels), and armored scales. These bottom-dwellers prefer to stick together in schools and forage for food, emphasizing the importance of keeping several in your tank. Cory Catfish come in many colors, patterns, and varieties.

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Cory Catfish Behavior and Tank Mates

Cory Catfish are peaceful, social creatures that enjoy swimming in groups. They can be timid, so they’re best-suited for a community tank with non-aggressive tank mates such as Tetras, Guppies, and Dwarf Cichlids. Check out the detailed info on Cory Catfish breeding in community tanks.

Setting Up a Comfortable Cory Environment


Cory Catfish are sensitive to rough surfaces, so consider soft gravel or sand that won’t harm their delicate barbels. Here’s some helpful information on the appropriate inches of substrate for planted tanks.

Plants and Decoration

Adding plants and decorations to your tank will provide hiding spots, encourage natural behavior, and make your tank visually appealing. Live plants—-especially Amazon Swords and Java Ferns—-offer additional benefits by improving water quality.

Water Quality

Cory Catfish prefer a stable water temperature between 75 to 79°F, with a pH between 6.5 to 7.5. Invest in a reliable heater and thermometer to maintain consistency. Perform regular water changes and use a proper filtration system to maintain water cleanliness.

Cory Catfish Feeding and Care

Feeding Time

Cory Catfish are omnivorous scavengers that eat a mix of plant-based and meaty foods. However, they should not rely solely on leftovers. Provide sinking pellets or algae wafers and supplement with occasional treats like fresh vegetables or frozen meaty foods.

Keeping Cory Catfish Healthy

Monitor your fish for any signs of illness, like loss of appetite or lethargy, and quarantine the affected fish when necessary. Maintain high water quality and avoid drastic changes in water conditions to prevent stress and disease.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How big can Cory Catfish get?
    • Depending on the species, adult Cory Catfish can grow from 1 to 4 inches.
  • How long do Cory Catfish live?
    • With proper care, Cory Catfish can live for 3 to 5 years.
  • Do Cory Catfish help keep the tank clean?
    • While they are bottom-feeders, relying on them for tank-cleaning duties is unrealistic. Maintain proper tank maintenance and cleaning routine.
  • Can Cory Catfish live with betta fish?
    • Yes, as long as the tank is large enough to accommodate both species and the betta fish isn’t overly aggressive.
  • Do Cory Catfish eat algae?
    • They might occasionally nibble on algae but primarily prefer a more omnivorous diet.


Cory Catfish can make delightful additions to your 29-gallon tank, bringing both charm and beneficial scavenging habits into your underwater ecosystem. By following the guidelines in this article, you’ll be better equipped to provide a comfortable, healthy environment for your scaly friends, which in turn will reward you with a vibrant and thriving aquatic world.

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